How Getting Dumped In Previous Relationships Has Helped My Current Relationship

My current relationship has actually been helped from previous relationships where I have been dumped, and here's why. All partnerships are composed of various elements that if not nurtured and attended to they will fail. Whether or not you are wealthy or good looking has nothing to do with it, your relationship can still fall to pieces.
If my previous girlfriends hadn't educated me to this fact, then I wouldn't have learned some very valuable lessons. For example, I would not know that even if it makes you a little uncomfortable, it is imperative that the truth always be told. You see, honesty builds trust, and trust is one of the most essential aspects of a successful partnership.
I also wouldn't know that it is important to talk about how I feel and not just assume that she knows. Women cannot read your mind even though at times it seems they can. You have to let them know your feelings. I'm not saying that you have to be like they are and chat for hours on end about your feelings, just explain how you feel rather than expecting her to guess. And it is also important that you ask her how she feels about certain things and when she tells you, make certain that you listen. Just be a sounding board and don't try to fix her. It's not your job to try and fix her, just be a good listener and only offer a solution if she asks you for one.
Other things that I've learned from my previous relationships is that if I clean up after myself and help to keep the house tidy it earns me points which can later be exchanged for sexual favors. Also, I learned that just sending her one flower a day is more romantic than sending her an entire bouquet of red roses. I have also learned that occasionally making her breakfast in bed and doing other thoughtful things like having dinner on the table when she gets home goes a lot farther in telling her I love her than me just saying it.
I have also learned that every time she cuddles up to me in bed doesn't mean she wants to make love. Sometimes a woman just wants to cuddle and when she does you need to respect her feelings and not take offense that she doesn't want to have sex. It is also important that whenever you think she is sexy you need to tell her. And not just when you want to do more than cuddle.
It's funny how similar the reasons for the break ups in my previous relationships were. I thought I was going about everything the right way, but invariably, I got dumped for ignoring their feelings and not trying to understand them better.

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